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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Foot pains.

Anyone who has any problems with pains in their feet, ankles or anywhere in their lower extremities knows that it can be very debilitating. But it can also be frustrating when you are trying to loosing weight and get into shape. This makes it challenging to do anytype of cardiovascular type of exercise. When one thinks of loosing weight the first thing that pops into the their heads is to burn fat by cardio.

Well you can burn fat by building up muscle tissue as well. By building up muscle you will be increasing your metabolism and burning fat throughout the day.

When a personal has a problem with a lower portion of their body they should seek the care of a doctor. Once a doctor has said that they can exercise safely here are a few steps that they can take.

1. Start with a well balanced food diet.

2. Set a side three days a week to do an upper body Workout. Start with biceps, tricept shoulders. Get yourself into a good study routine.

3. Find a community activity that you would like to get involved in that will keep you active.

All this will be a great start. If you need specifics you should write me and I will be happy to give you specifics exercises.

Remember everyone is an individual.

Stay fit, and stay young.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A look back, looking forward.

As 2011 comes to a close and we all await the start of 2012 there are many thoughts that come across my mind. What will my fitness goal be? As I undergo this massive event I think to myself what advice would I give my own clients when they ask me? I should do the same? Shouldn't I, practice what I preach?

The first thing to think about is that you should start out small. Do not bite off more then you can chew. If you have never really exercised before and you goal is to run 3 marathons, you will be setting yourself up for failure. If you start off with small weekly goals than monthly and continue to build from there you will have much more success. For example, I will go to the gym 3 days this week and do 30 minutes of cardio.

Second, remember that fitness is a lifestyle change. It is a good idea to start with a good diet that has all the main food groups in it. If you are not sure what these are you can either contact me or your local nutritionist.

Third, be patient. Think about how long it took you to get out of shape. It is not like you woke up one day and you were fit and the next day you weren't. It is a lot harder to get into shape then to get out of shape. But the benefits of being in shape out way the benefits of being out of shape.

Finally, as I mentioned earlier, that this was a lifestyle change. You need to laydown a good foundation to get results. Get involved in community events as part of your fitness goals. Tis will allow you to remain and stay active and achieve the long term goals that are generally the hardest to achieve.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Quote of the day

Life is not fair. Study harder than the nest student. Work harder than the next worker. Do not fear risk. Get to a position in life where your money works for you don't work for money. Become a man who gives, not gets.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

New years resolution

There is only two more short weeks until the end of the year. It is now time to star thinking about your plans for 2012. What are your goals? Mark Twain once said, "The secret of getting ahead is getting started". Do not procrastinate set a fitness goal. Does not matter how small. In fact, if you set your goal small you will achieve it. Better to have success. You can always set more goals.

What are your goals?

Friday, December 9, 2011

Childhood and obesity, something needs to be done.


"In the struggle against widespread obesity that begins in early childhood, new research indicates that schools may be the best place to start a solution.
Australian researchers examined 55 interventions in previous studies and concluded that school-based programs were key in getting kids to healthy weights, and there was little evidence that these programs would have a negative effect on young students' self-images.
"Obesity prevention programs in general are not harming children," said lead author Elizabeth Waters, chair of child public health at the Melbourne School of Population Health. However, "programs that don't make a commitment to preventing body image issues might hurt children by stigmatizing overweight children or send unhealthy messages about body image," she said.
 Lessons for weight loss
In developing programs for schools, Waters said that adding lessons on healthy eating, physical activity and body image to the curriculum, along with improving school lunches, making students more active during the day and supporting parents to make similar changes at home would improve children's health.
But while programs in schools may appear successful, there is less evidence, and a need for a greater focus, on children not yet in school, according to the study.
"The strongest evidence of effect is in the 0 to 5 year age group, but the majority of studies were conducted with children 6 to 12 years. So interventions implemented in the early years are effective, and need to be a priority in order to have the greatest impact," Waters said.
While older children benefit from in-school programs, weight-loss efforts may be more effective if they come earlier — in preschools, for example.
"There is a gap in the research in programs for young children," said Dr. Lloyd Werk, chief of the division of general pediatrics at Nemours Children's Hospital, and director of the Healthy Choices Clinic, a weight management program there.
"Perhaps we can work on helping young children grow with habits for their life," Werk said.
Funding needed for some interventions
The study may provide evidence for the effectiveness of weight interventions, but in the U.S., there will be some challenges that come down to funding, Werk said.
Two tactics that are not commonly done in the U.S. were recommended in the report, Werk said, are improving physical activity in schools and spending more money to provide healthier school lunches.
And a third factor, he said, is just as crucial.
"Research to date has focused primarily on interventions that can be delivered through the school or after-school programs," Werk said. But more funding may be needed to support parents at home.
For example, it's difficult, he said, to get patients dietician counseling because of a lack of insurance reimbursement.
"Both public and private insurance tend not to cover nutritional services," Werk said. It is not an issue mentioned in the report, he said, "but one we certainly need to address.""

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

children and obesity

If our children get fit we get fit too.  You should reeinforce to your children that being fit is not just moving, but it is also eating right as well.  They should be eating 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. 

Let's teach them that muscles can have a brain of their own.  It is impotant to have good form.  Start with desk push ups and table squats.

Desk Push-up
Face the desk, hands grasping the edge of the desk. Place feet approximately
one to two feet away from desk. Lower the body until the chest touches
the desk. Hold abdominals tight to support the core (abdominals, hip, back)
of the body. Avoid arching the back or sticking the hips out. Exhale as you
contract your upper-arm muscles and extend (straighten) the elbows.

Table squats
Stand to the side of the desk with one hand holding
onto the desk. Imagine you’re going to sit down
on an imaginary chair. Keeping the chest lifted,
lower the hips down toward the floor as if your
bottom is going to touch the seat of a chair. Keep
the abdominals and back muscles contracted and
the knees over the ankle region. You should be able
to gently tap your toes (to show the weight of the
body is not too far forward). Squat down and try
to get your thighs as close to parallel to the floor
as you can. At NO time should a student work in a
painful zone. Always encourage comfortable, yet
challenging, intensities of exercise.

Do these two exercise with your children three days  a this week.

Here is another activity that you can do: 

You will need 6 index cards.  Written on them,

Bicept curls, Quad squad, Push ups, Lunges, Overhead Presses, Front arm Raises.

Have students put ALL cards face down on floor. On your cue, direct one
student to turn over TWO cards in an attempt to MATCH them. Write a math
problem on the board (answer should not be over 20; for example, 4x3+2).
When students have a match, that team will perform that exercise the number
of repetitions indicated in the answer of the math problem. Instruct the other
student groups (the ones that didn’t have a match) to do an “aerobic” activity
in place (for example, marching, walking in place, jogging, etc.).

Do not forget to do all the exercise with your children.

Stay fit.

Monday, November 28, 2011


The holidays are over and many of us ate way to much turkey and stuffing.  But do not worry it is never to late to get in shape.  I have dedicated myself to teach quick simple work outs for on the go and busy people.  I mean, really, who has time to go to the gym for two to three hours every day or every other day.  I sure don't.  With four young children and two jobs and no help in the house.  I am sure that you are just as busy too.  Kids, job, many more.  So let's get to it who has time to read:

Jump Robe 10 minutes warm up.

push ups 10 reps
Dumbbell flys. 8 reps.
band, one arm over head press. 10 reps. each arm.
sit ups. 10 reps

repeat  bold 5 times without resting in between.

Do this workout every other day for a week.  Let me know how you like it.

Get Fit.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Your post

This post I would like for my reader to let me know what they would like me to wring about. What is the one fitness question that they have but have always been to afraid to ask? don.t be shy, please post any questions and comments and I will answer as soon as you post.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


What we teach our children today is what they do as adults tomorrow.   It is very important to teach them good habits early on.  When teaching children remember to think and sink.  Have them think about what you are teaching them and than it will and should sink into their brains.  Children's brains are like sponges, they just soak up knowledge. 

This week teach your children what to drink for proper hydration and what hydration really is and the importance of it.  Go over with them some healthy liquids to drink and go over some new vocabulary words with them.  Write them down on a big poster board let it SINK into their brains.

Some healthy drink choices are:

Low-fat/Non-fat milk, 100% fruit juice,
and water are healthy liquids to drink.

The vocabulary for this week are:
Dehydration – Excessive loss of water from the body
Nutrients –
of life and health
Any substance that provides nourishment for the maintenance
Calorie –

Water is the most important nutrient in your body. In fact it makes up 65-70% of your body mass.  Did you know that you can only go a few days without water, but you can live a few weeks without food?  So, it is really important that we replenish our bodies with the proper hydration.

Here is a great visual experiment.  Ask your children some of the other liquids that we drink.  Without knowing them, they will probably say, soda.  Mention to them that in an eight oz. can of soda there is 10 teaspoons of sugar.  Have your child measure out 10 teaspoons of sugar and then try to dissolve it in a glass of water.  It is really hard to do. 

Also, Milk is a really good liquid to drink.  It is filled with calcium for strong bones and does not have the added sugar.  As long as you drink either non fat or low fat milk.

In addition, to learning nutrition it is important for children to become awear of the body.  Teach them to measure how hard they think that they are moving.(Heart is ray, face feels sweaty, out of breath, legs feel tired, etc).  

Here is a rating of a percieveiced exertion chart for children:

0- Sleping.

1-Stting at your desk.

2-Walking through the halls.

3-Walking/playing during recess.

4-Doing relays in the gym.

5-Running as fast as you can.
It is really important to reach out children to recognize how their own bodies feel.  As a parent we can not tell another person what they are feeling.  We all need to teach our children well and remember that our children are the future leaders of tomorrow.   They will be the future Presidents and the CEO's of tomorrow. 

Stay fit.  Stay healthy. 
A unit of energy.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


In the United States the increase number of Baby Boomers is expected to rise more than five million years by the 2030, and 1 out 5 people will be 65 years or older. Plus, with fitness on the rise the average life span would have increased more than 18 years for both men and woman. With that being said, look out grandma and grandpa.

When working with a person, any person, my main goal is to improve their quality of life. When when we talk about senior living and wellness programs that is exactly why a person 50+ starts to work out. When designing a fitness program the trainer must be able to design a program for the fit to the extremely frail individual.

The most challenging is to get the individual into the habit. Start out slowly. 3 days a week walk for 20-30 minutes. Do not forget your warm up and stretch at the end.

In how side of the blog there is a section where you can post comments and questions. If you would lIke to know more about what what exercises please post in the questions box.

Stay fit.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

exercising babies.

Yes, even babies need exercise.  I wanted to dedicate a small little blog for the little people in the world because they are special too.  For all those new parents out there, did you know that the earlier you start a child out on physical activity and awareness of their physical health the longer life expectancy they will have? 
I have a few simple guidelines to follow.  Being a mom of 4 I know how busy any parent can be so this is why I am keeping this blog short and sweet.

1. Physical activity should be encouraged from birth through floor play and water safe activities. 

2.  Walking toddlers and preschool age children should have at least 180 minutes a day of physical exercise. 

3. No child under 5 should spend extended periods of time being inactive. Especially in front of the TV. 

This may seem like only a little but it is a lot.  Feel free to follow by email and post questions and I will be sure to answer all of them this week.

Say fit.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Am I too old to exercise?

Before you answer this question, ask yourself this, have you ever walked up the stairs and were out of breath?  Have you ever thought that you were not standing up as straight as you once did in your younger days?  Well, if the answer to these questions are yes, then you are not to old to exercise.  In fact, I would like to rephrase my question and put it into a statement, "we do not stop exercising just because we get old, we get old because we stop exercising". 

Maintaining at least a moderate activity level is the key to living a long a healthy life.  Exercise will prevent the following ailments: weight-related diseases, heart disease, anatomical and structural impairments, hypertension, osteoporosis, cholesterol, Alzheimer's disease, sexual dysfunction and loss of muscle mass and decrease social disability. 

Specifically speaking there are five types of exercises we all should do to prevent growing older.

1. Cardio.  30 minutes at least 5 times a week.  Minimum should be done 20 minutes 3 times a week.  In my experience with older adults, walking is usually the most preferred exercise.

2. Strength training.  We loose about 30% muscle between the ages of 50-70.  At least twice a week one should engage in a strength training routine with either free weights or machines.

3.  Flexibility.  Stretching and range of motion.  Twice a week for 10 minutes.

4. Balance.  This is the number one reason why people seek medical help.  With falls are leading cause of deaths for the 65+ population. 

5. Care Training.  These exercise strength your abs, pelvis and runs the entire length of your torso.  These muscles makes it possible for you to stand, shift your body weight and protect your back and hips.

Before you start any type of work out routine consult your doctor first and find a certified ACE personal trainer in your area. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

children and obesity

It is no secret that today's youth is fat.  The most important lesson to teach our youth is to get up and move!! This weeks lesson is for the 6-8th graders.

When your children get home from school and you are ready to get movin' explain to them the importance of a warm up.  Make sure that you go over all the vocabulary with your children.  After all, with all the budget cuts at the schools our children are not getting enough PE.   Remember, as parents, we are teachers too.  The more we are involved in our childrens education, the higher the success rate will be.  Their self esteem level will rise, their grades will rise and they will also become more physically fit.

Let's get started: You may also choose to make flash cards for your child as well.
 A slow, rhythmic exercise that uses the larger muscle groups of the body.
Warm-Up –

A method used to stretch the muscles and their
Dynamic Stretch –
surrounding tissue, which includes moving through a full, fluid, non-resistive range-of-motion.
A low-force stretch that serves to lengthen the muscle while holding it to a point of tension for 15-30 seconds

Static Stretch –

You all can do examples of the stretches:

Including you Mom or Dad,

Dynamic Warm-up
• March in place
• Knee lifts in place
• Walking
• Jumping Jacks
• Torso twists (twist from right to left)
• Arm circles/Alternating arm circles

Static Stretches
• Lying down (supine) hamstring stretch
• Triceps stretch
• Shoulder stretch
• Upper-back stretch
• Chest stretch
• Standing quadriceps stretch
• Lateral side stretch

Exercise for today:

10 minute walk/run
1 minute push up
1 minute chair squat
1 minute knee curl ups

Be sure to reinforce the vocabulary today.  The most important is that while doing the lesson is that you do it with your child/ren and that you all have fun while doing it together. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Youth and Fitness. Get in the groove, you’ve got to move

As I was driving my children to school this morning, I was amazed to find out the lack of physical education in the school today.  They only get once a week of PE.  I do realize that they have recess everyday, but recess is not necessarily PE for many children.  It is more or a break from the class work. 

I have decided that every Wednesday I would have PE at my house for my children.   The first step is to see where your child is physically.  Since most of you are not personal trainers like I am, let's start out and do simple a simple assessment:

How many "Good Quality" push ups in 1 minute can the child do?
How may "Good quality" bent knee curl ups in 1 minute can your child do?
Finally, how many chair squats can your child do in one minute?
After you have completed this you are ready to exercise.

Lesson 1: Get in the groove, you've got to move.

Exercise – Any activity that requires physical movement.
Here is a fun game to do with your kids after school.  The only thing you need is one die.

This is a great way to have a little break from school and homework.  Have the child or children do this until he or she does each exercise at lease 2 times.
Have your child roll the die and the child would do that activity that
corresponds to the number on the die.  The student will  do the
activity for 30–60 seconds
Let me me know how it goes.

Stay fit and stay healthy.

Write the following words and corresponding numbers on the
blackboard or a piece of paper so that your children or child can refer back to them.  Have them demonstrate each movement for 30
seconds each:
• Running in place #1
• Hopping on one foot #2
• Jumping up and down #3
• Leaping side to side #4
• Spinning in a circle #5
• Imaginary jumping rope #6
Let’s Play

Have your child roll the die and the child would do that activity that
corresponds to the number on the die.  The student will  do the
activity for 30–60 seconds

Sunday, September 18, 2011

It's Sunday. A new week, a new work out.

It is Sunday which means it is the first day of a new week.  So no matter what happen last week, no matter how many times you fell off that wagon, this can be a new start for you. 

So, here is your work out.  Are you ready,

Go out and get your pedometer and put it on your hip every morning.  Your goal is to get to 10,000 steps a day, every day.  Then the next consecutive day your goal is to beat your personal best.  Log into my webpage or my facebook page each day and in the comment box tell me how many steps you took each day.

Good luck.  Get fit.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

New workout

Let's get walking--

Walking is one of the best ways to exercise.  It is also the least expensive ways as well.  You do not need a gym or any expensive equipment.  Just a pair of sneakers. 

This upcoming week, take a walk.  at least three days a week for 30 minutes.  Studies have shown that walking will decrease stress, trim your waist line, prevension of cancer, and diabetes, and walkers will live a longer a healtheir life. 

Walking does not take much effort or time or money. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

loose weight all day long

There are a few simple steps to take just to loose weight all day long.

First the most inportant meal of the day is breakfast and the second is lunch.  Try never to eat after 8:30pm.  If  you need to skip a meal have it be dinner. 

Start your day out with  a morning walk or jog.  This is a great boost way to boost your metabolism. 

Skip the juice and morning latte and drink plenty of water.  Lots of water.  Your muscles are made up of 70-80% of water it is important to hytrate them. 

If you are not a morning person, try to walk or jog after work around 5-6 pm.  Find a friend to with.  It is much easier to get into shape with a friend than to do it alone. 

Stay positive and stay fit.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

OMG!!! Diet drinkers, you have to read this.

For all of you diet soda drinkers out there that are wondering why you are not loosing weight. Well, I have news for you.  Research suggests that diet sodas are  associated with increased waist size and poorer overall health.  In another study, aspartame, which is the sweetener that is used in the diet sodas, showed an increase in blood sugar levels after three months. 

So, what is the answer.  Well that is easy.  Switch to good old H2O.  Water is the best drink that you can put into your body.   Your muscles are made up of 70 to 80% water.  During the day you should be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water.  One huge benefit of water is that there are many people that will drop 5 pounds in 2 weeks.  

Bottoms up!!

Stay fit.

Friday, July 29, 2011

But I am not a runner.

The easiest form and cheapest form of exercise is to take of running.  When I suggest this to clients I hear this statement over and over again, " I am not a runner".   The truth is, neither am I.  Many people that race in the 5k and 10k races are walkers.  If you train the right way you be able to finish the race in less than a 15 minute mile.  Believe me, when you finish a race that is the most fabulous feeling of accomplishment in the world.

For some people who have high expectations who would  like to run a half marathon or a marathon, go for it.  but for others, start out slow.

For most people like myself we need to start out slowly and train for a 5k. The first week walk for 5 minutes then run for 1 minute.  Walk for 5 minutes and run for 1 minute.  Repeat for this for 3 miles. 

Second week walk for 4 minutes and run for 2 minutes. Repeat this for 3 mile.

Third week walk  for 3 minutes and run for 3 minutes. Repeat this for 3 miles. 

Keep this up until you are fully running the full 3.1  miles.

Once you achieve this goal than you are ready to move on to a 10k or a half marathon or a marathon!!  Or you can just work on your speed and improve your personal best. 

Good luck. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

What should I eat?

"What is a balanced diet"?  Many people struggle with this question every day.  In fact, the rate of obesity in American continues to increase.  I, as a personal trainer, have or a been asked many times to give diet advice to my clients.  Just to clarify, I am not a nutritionist, but I can guide you in the right direction. 

Most people do not have the time to weigh and measure every morsel of food three times a day.  Here is a simple guide line for those of us that lead a simple life. 

Make half your plate fruits and vegetable.
Fill one quarter of your plate with lean protein.
The last quarter with whole grains.

Lastly, be sure to switch from whole milk to non fat milk.  not only do you need to take care of your outside of you need to take care of your inside too.

Stay healthy.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Exercising in the summer months can be exhausting as well unhealthy.  There are some strategies and tips that one can do to help exercising become more comfortable in the heat.

1. Hydration.  It is very important to stay hydrated.  Always strive to drink 7 to 10 ounces of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise.

2. The intensity.  You should reduce the intensity of your exercise probably
 the first few times that you exercise in the heat.

3.  Clothing.  Wear minimally and light weight clothing.

4. Rest.  No when to say no.  Use common sense.  Know when to say no to exercise. This is your best bet for preventing heat stress.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

July 4

Well it is summertime and we are all heading for the beach beach. Let's get our bodies into shape as fast as we can. Monday, Wednesday and Friday let's do 3 sets of 10 of tricept dips and alternating with 3 sets of 10 squats.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays get outside in the fresh air and walk/run for 30 minutes at least.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Youth and Food

There is more to health and fitness than working out.  It is important to eat right.  Eating right starts in with our children.  Here are 10 basic rules to get our kids to eat healthier.

1. Model healthier eating. When the parents eat healthy the children will to.
2. eat together. Not only are family meals generally more nutritious but they also provide a socializing     opportunity for children.
3. Increase exposure to healthier foods.It may take up to 15 times before the child will accept it.
4. Let them choose the portion size.
5. Share the control.
6. Refuse to be a "short order" order cook.
7. Limit TV time.
8. Exploit similarities. Once you find what a child likes find similar foods.  An example, if you like pumpkin pie, try to make sweet potatoes the next night.
9. Make eating healthy fun.
10. Skip the food fights.

The best way to get your kids to eat healthy. 

Stay fit and healthy.

Monday, May 23, 2011

I am so busy how do I find time to work out?

Ok, we are motivated to workout and eat right but now what.  What do we do now?  Here is a simple work out that will have you begging for more.   It is short and simple.  Remember just because it is short does not mean it does not do anything.  A little is better than nothing.

1. Start from a standing position and squat sown and walk out to a plank.  Remember to keep your hands directly underneth your shoulders.  Hold this pose for 10 seconds.  Walk back in and to a standing position.  lift your right leg and your arms straight out so they are parrell to the floor.  Hold for 10 seconds.  Repeat and for the other leg.  Do this 3 times.

2. Get a good sturdy chair and do 10 tricep dips. 10 squats.  repeat this 3 times. 

3. Jumping jacks for 25.

4. 10 reverse crunches

5. 30 alternating lunges.

6. End with 2-30 second planks.

See you next week for a more challenging workout.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

work out today? yes or no?

Most Trainers would say never skip a work out.  But there are a few reasons why you should skip a workout.

1. You are running a fever of 100 or higher.
2. Your stomach been feeling a bit queezy.  Especially if you are throwing up or have diarrhea. 
3. You feel dizzy, thirsty.  As the weather gets warmer this could be a sign of heat stroke and exhaustion.
4. You are sleep deprived.
5. If something hurts.  There is a normal post workout pain but if the pain persists after 72 hours than you should consult a doctor.

When you start a workout program or already have one in place the most important thing to remember is the safety comes first.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Have your fat jeans become your skinny jeans?

Do not worry, you are not the only one.  In fact, I am asked over and over again the same question.  "When is the best time to work out? Is it mornings, afternoon or evenings?" This could be different for everyone.  The answer is quite simple.  The best time to workout is the time that you will actually commit to working out.  This is different for everyone.  Some people may like to wake up at 5 am while others like to wind down at the end of the day with a nice jog.  Everyone has a different time clock inside.  Another question that is asked of me over and over again is, "How much exersice do I really need to do?"  Minimally, 3 times a week for 20 minutes should be a goal.  But,  there should be no miniumum.  If you can only do 30 seconds one week that is ok.  30 seconds is better that no seconds. 

With all this being said, your workout for this week is 20 jumping jacks 10 squats, 10 push ups and 10 crunches.  Do this at least 3 times.  This routine should be done 3 times a week.  Do not be surprise if you actually break a sweat.