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Monday, May 23, 2011

I am so busy how do I find time to work out?

Ok, we are motivated to workout and eat right but now what.  What do we do now?  Here is a simple work out that will have you begging for more.   It is short and simple.  Remember just because it is short does not mean it does not do anything.  A little is better than nothing.

1. Start from a standing position and squat sown and walk out to a plank.  Remember to keep your hands directly underneth your shoulders.  Hold this pose for 10 seconds.  Walk back in and to a standing position.  lift your right leg and your arms straight out so they are parrell to the floor.  Hold for 10 seconds.  Repeat and for the other leg.  Do this 3 times.

2. Get a good sturdy chair and do 10 tricep dips. 10 squats.  repeat this 3 times. 

3. Jumping jacks for 25.

4. 10 reverse crunches

5. 30 alternating lunges.

6. End with 2-30 second planks.

See you next week for a more challenging workout.

1 comment:

foreverfit said...

Let me know what you think about this work out? Please post here.