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Sunday, October 9, 2011

exercising babies.

Yes, even babies need exercise.  I wanted to dedicate a small little blog for the little people in the world because they are special too.  For all those new parents out there, did you know that the earlier you start a child out on physical activity and awareness of their physical health the longer life expectancy they will have? 
I have a few simple guidelines to follow.  Being a mom of 4 I know how busy any parent can be so this is why I am keeping this blog short and sweet.

1. Physical activity should be encouraged from birth through floor play and water safe activities. 

2.  Walking toddlers and preschool age children should have at least 180 minutes a day of physical exercise. 

3. No child under 5 should spend extended periods of time being inactive. Especially in front of the TV. 

This may seem like only a little but it is a lot.  Feel free to follow by email and post questions and I will be sure to answer all of them this week.

Say fit.

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