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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Foot pains.

Anyone who has any problems with pains in their feet, ankles or anywhere in their lower extremities knows that it can be very debilitating. But it can also be frustrating when you are trying to loosing weight and get into shape. This makes it challenging to do anytype of cardiovascular type of exercise. When one thinks of loosing weight the first thing that pops into the their heads is to burn fat by cardio.

Well you can burn fat by building up muscle tissue as well. By building up muscle you will be increasing your metabolism and burning fat throughout the day.

When a personal has a problem with a lower portion of their body they should seek the care of a doctor. Once a doctor has said that they can exercise safely here are a few steps that they can take.

1. Start with a well balanced food diet.

2. Set a side three days a week to do an upper body Workout. Start with biceps, tricept shoulders. Get yourself into a good study routine.

3. Find a community activity that you would like to get involved in that will keep you active.

All this will be a great start. If you need specifics you should write me and I will be happy to give you specifics exercises.

Remember everyone is an individual.

Stay fit, and stay young.

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