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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Youth and Fitness. Get in the groove, you’ve got to move

As I was driving my children to school this morning, I was amazed to find out the lack of physical education in the school today.  They only get once a week of PE.  I do realize that they have recess everyday, but recess is not necessarily PE for many children.  It is more or a break from the class work. 

I have decided that every Wednesday I would have PE at my house for my children.   The first step is to see where your child is physically.  Since most of you are not personal trainers like I am, let's start out and do simple a simple assessment:

How many "Good Quality" push ups in 1 minute can the child do?
How may "Good quality" bent knee curl ups in 1 minute can your child do?
Finally, how many chair squats can your child do in one minute?
After you have completed this you are ready to exercise.

Lesson 1: Get in the groove, you've got to move.

Exercise – Any activity that requires physical movement.
Here is a fun game to do with your kids after school.  The only thing you need is one die.

This is a great way to have a little break from school and homework.  Have the child or children do this until he or she does each exercise at lease 2 times.
Have your child roll the die and the child would do that activity that
corresponds to the number on the die.  The student will  do the
activity for 30–60 seconds
Let me me know how it goes.

Stay fit and stay healthy.

Write the following words and corresponding numbers on the
blackboard or a piece of paper so that your children or child can refer back to them.  Have them demonstrate each movement for 30
seconds each:
• Running in place #1
• Hopping on one foot #2
• Jumping up and down #3
• Leaping side to side #4
• Spinning in a circle #5
• Imaginary jumping rope #6
Let’s Play

Have your child roll the die and the child would do that activity that
corresponds to the number on the die.  The student will  do the
activity for 30–60 seconds

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