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Thursday, October 13, 2011


In the United States the increase number of Baby Boomers is expected to rise more than five million years by the 2030, and 1 out 5 people will be 65 years or older. Plus, with fitness on the rise the average life span would have increased more than 18 years for both men and woman. With that being said, look out grandma and grandpa.

When working with a person, any person, my main goal is to improve their quality of life. When when we talk about senior living and wellness programs that is exactly why a person 50+ starts to work out. When designing a fitness program the trainer must be able to design a program for the fit to the extremely frail individual.

The most challenging is to get the individual into the habit. Start out slowly. 3 days a week walk for 20-30 minutes. Do not forget your warm up and stretch at the end.

In how side of the blog there is a section where you can post comments and questions. If you would lIke to know more about what what exercises please post in the questions box.

Stay fit.

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