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Friday, May 18, 2012

Are you eating right?

Everyone knows that you should be eating fruits and vegetables at every meal.  We all know that we should limit our sugar intake.  But there are foods that we should be eating that we are probably not eating.  For example, did you know that pumkin A and C?  Add Pumkin to Pancakes in the morning, it will make a nice nutricious breakfast.

Nopales is also a food to have in our diet.  I am sure you are thinking what is that?  This is most commonly known as nopal cactus or prickly pear.  It is a plant mostly found in Mexico.  It is loaded with vitamins A, B and C and Fiber.

Hemp milk. If you are looking for a good alternative hemp milk is the way to go.  This is dairyfree and has vitamin D and B12.  Hemp seeds contains 10 essential amino acid, omega-6, iron, and much more.  This is what I would call a superfood.

It is really important to watch what you eat.  You should look good on the inside as well on the outside.

Stay fit for life.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Shhh!!! I have the secret!

There are 4 things that you can do to boost your energy and to shed at least 10 pounds.

1.  Eat a healthy diet.  Stop drinking the sugary drinks and sodas.  This alone will take off 10 pounds from your waistline.

2.  Finding time to exercise is hard especially finding 2 hours a day for the gym.  But finding just 15 minutes a day is much more reasonable.   This can be a simple walking break with co-workers.

3.  Get plenty of sleep.  Studies have shown that sleep improves mental awearness.  This is when the body repairs itself.

4. Take time to laugh.  This is very important for overall. 

Stay fit and have fun while doing it.

Monday, May 14, 2012

What should I eat?

Just because you work out does not mean that you should not watch what goes into your mouth.   Many woman become anemic as they get older.  This is a very common condition for most of us, especially when we hit that time of the month.  If we watch what we eat then we can be much more happier with oursevles. 

Here is a list of foods that, as woman, we should have in our diets:

1. Red meat
2. egg yolk
3. dark leafy greens
4. dried fruits.
5. beans and lentils.
6. chick peas
7. liver.
8. soy beans
9. artichokes.

Learn to be creative with recipes.   There are many woman groups and recipe exchange groups out there.    It is so important to have theright portions too.  Please see a nutritionist if you have any questions as well.

Also, I will be posting recipes on my site as the days to come to please keep checking back. 

Post comments and tell me what you would like to read about too.

Stay fit and stay active.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Why should we hoop?

1. Increases our mood.
    When we are happy and content with our lives everything seems to fall into place.
2. Activates our joints.
    As we get older it is really important that we use our joints and maintain flexibility.   This is a great
    way to increase the flexiblity in our lower back.
3. Increases body awearness.
   Hooping focuses your mind on where your body is in space.
4. Increase aerobic capacity.
    It takes alot of Oxegen and blood flow to keep that hoop around your waist.
5. Works the core muscles.
     With a hoop around your waist, how can it not.

Go ahead, grab a hoop, and a smile.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The new class.

I have got some really good news!!  I just started a new class during the week.  Every Monday at 12 noon.  Like all new things I am a little nervous but it will start out small but it will grow and the community will grow to love it.  I will soon have every woman age 35 years and older in Agoura Hills hooping and loving it!!

My goal is to share the joy of hooping.  I hope to have others find themselves in the hoop, like I have.

If you are around, come on by, we would love to meet you. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Thought for the day.

Always hoop with a friend. Be hoopalicous. Hoopalicous is my word of the day. Live it, be it, play it, love it.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Being on vacation is a great thing. But being on a vacation from a workout is not so good. Just recently the American Council of Exercise is the first to recognize that hula hooping is a great form of a total body work out. I just recently received my certification from hoopnotica in hoop fit. This is by far the most fun work put that I have ever done.

There are many benefits, not just physical but psychological and emotional too. In the next few weeks I will be discussing them.

Grab your hoop. You can not help to smile while doing it.

Keep fit, keep hooping.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Quote of the day

I think that this is very important to do everyday.


Keeping fit is more than just being physically fit but it is being spirtually fit to. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

New workout

Did you know that hula hooping burns more than 400 calories an hour? Yep that's right. The American council on exercise states that hula hooping is the best form of no to low form of cardio vascular exercise one can get.

Takes you rit back to your childhood days. There are a few important facts to rembemember when you first start hooping.

1. Never use a weighted hoop.
2. You should first talk to a certified trainer first.
3. Find a hoop the right size. I recommend one hoopnatica

When you find your trainer he or she should be certified through hoopnatica, like me. They will be able to teach you how to stand and how to give you an awesome work out.

Friday, February 24, 2012

challenge yourself

Everyday is a new day.  We start fresh and new.  Make each day a special day, make it count. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Don't have time to work out? How many times have I heard that? At the very minimum do 10 push ups a day. Do them in the morning or in the evening, does not matter. This not only works your upper body but it will give you an entire body work out. Plus, it should only take about three to four minutes.

What happens if you can not do 10 push up? Well simple start with as many as you can do and build from there. If it is only ones, than do one. Everyone has their own starting point. If you do ne push up a night in a week you will be doing two. The most important thing is that you do it.

Stay fit, stay healthy.


Like most people we all would love to eat all we want and never gain weight. Wouldn't that be a dream come true.  But when reality sets in we all get older and we all need to watch what we eat and get plenty of exercise.

In this post I will tell you about some of the foods that will  help you speed up your metabolism so that you will not have to worry as much, as you normally do.

1. drink lots of water.
2.Eat calcium enriched foods. 
3. Stop the alcohol.
4.Eat constantly, but eat healthy.
5. Destress yourself.  Try yoga.
6. Decrease the diet soda.
7. Soak up the warm sun and get some fresh air.
8. Increase the weight bearing exercise.
9. Increase the vitamin C.
10. Vitamin B is the key.
11.Drink green tea.
12.Eat oily fish.

Remember these are all just suggestions.  Everyone is unique and different and what works well for one person might not work for the other.  Find out what works for you and stick with it. 

Remember, eat well, stay fit, stay healthy.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Let's set another goal.

There is one thing that I have always said to all of my clients.  "You do not need to spend a lot of money on fancy gym equipment to get into shape."  In fact, when I go to someones house, I have been known not to use any equipment at all.  These next few weeks I will explain how to do this and still get a good work out. 

For example, instead of spending lots of money on free weight, think about how much you, your self weigh, and you can simply use your own body weight in your work out. 

But, if you are the type of person that must have your own home gym than that can be accomplish with as little as $500. 

Just remember to keep checking back for more updates and work outs.

Stay fit and stay Healthy.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

New workout

Here is the work out for the week.

Alternate tricept dips and squats.

10 tricept dips
10 chair squats

10 tricept dips
10 chair squats

10 tricept dips
10 chair squats

Do this everyday for a week.  You may even work up a sweat.  Let me know what happens.

Stay active.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I am a Saint

I just got the biggest compliment yesterday from a fellow mom.   "You have the Patience of a Saint"   WOW.  I thought to myself, I really do.  I took this compliment to heart and this is the year that I will start to pat myself on the back.   But I need to remember that it is equally important to give compliments as it is to get compliments.   When you give you always get in return.  I call it "instant gratification."  If everyone would try this it would make this world a better place to live. 

Being a personal trainer I not only teach people how to be physically fit on the outside but to be fit on the inside too.  Being healthy is not only one dimensional but it encompasses the entire body.  When we feel good about ourselves mentally it will show physically too.  

The first step to this process is to give some a compliment today.

The second step is to give yourself a compliment today.

The third step is to repeat steps one and two every for at least a week.

Stay fit and stay strong.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

what the truth

If you are reading the different articles that comes across your desk about fitness and are wondering what is the truth well, don't worry, all you have to do is ask.  Do not be shy. 

There was a recent one on yahoo and the first one mentioned "no pain no gain".  I consistantly hear this phrase all the time.  Even though it was started way back in the 80's.  The bottem line is if you feel pain stop.  You are either tearing muscle or have already torn muscle.

If there is any other sayings that you are unsure let me know, and ask me.

Stay fit.  Stay healthy.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

chocolate lovers

I have good news for all of those chocolate lovers out there.  I just read a study that said that one would need to eat at least two doses of chocolate a week to get any potential health benefits.  Some of these health benefits that people may experience are they less likly to develop cardiovascular disease and they less likely to  suffer from stroke.  So, the bottom line, take another truffle!!  Feel no guilt.

Team Studer: 25 Rules for Mothers of Sons

Team Studer: 25 Rules for Mothers of Sons

Monday, January 2, 2012

Encouragement to be the best.

Walt Disney once said, "Our dreams will come true, if we choose to pursue them.". This is so true. If we all just have the courage to go for it and not be afraid than there will be success in all of us. I personally will be quoting myself this new year, "I cannot be afraid to fail, or I will not succeed". This is so true. If I am afraid and stay in my comfort zone and never leave I will never experience what life as to offer.

As we begin our journeys this year with our weight loss, or bulking up, training for the marathon or whatever it may be remember not to be afraid and to push yourself a little bit each week. Ask for help and advise. Leave comments on blogs. Commenting on other blogs does two things. First it gives you free and wonderful advice. Second, you will be doing a wonderful mitzvah for the person who is writing the blog. For every blog has a person/writer and you will be encouraging them to write and research and succeed and push themselves with achieving their own goals.

Let's all start off 2012 with a bang and treat all people and bloggers as we would like to be treated ourselves.

Stay fit and healthy.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

foreverfit Laura Gail Diamond: 2012

foreverfit Laura Gail Diamond: 2012: Happy new year to all! I hope that that we all will have a successful year. There is no need to look back, leave 2011 behind us and let's ...


Happy new year to all! I hope that that we all will have a successful year. There is no need to look back, leave 2011 behind us and let's all move into 2012 and look forwrd and make this the best possible year.

For me, this is the beginning of of a new era. My children are growing up. Meaning, I do not have any babies, yea!! I will be planning bigger and better parties for them, more mature. They have reached the preteen age.

All this means more independence for them and for me. I can concentrate more on my career. How can I reach out and help more people focus on their own lives and feel better about themselves.

Well, this is the year that I do all of this. I am reaching some in the United States, Russia, and Germany. I would like to increase these numbers in these countries and add a few more. These are a few of my goals, what are yours?

This year I encourage you to not only get and fit physically but also mentally as well. We will be doing this by working out, eating right and enjoying friends and family. Today we will start by enjoying this beautiful day where ever you may be and be blessed that you have made it to 2012. Each day is truely a blessing.

Stay fit and be active.