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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I am a Saint

I just got the biggest compliment yesterday from a fellow mom.   "You have the Patience of a Saint"   WOW.  I thought to myself, I really do.  I took this compliment to heart and this is the year that I will start to pat myself on the back.   But I need to remember that it is equally important to give compliments as it is to get compliments.   When you give you always get in return.  I call it "instant gratification."  If everyone would try this it would make this world a better place to live. 

Being a personal trainer I not only teach people how to be physically fit on the outside but to be fit on the inside too.  Being healthy is not only one dimensional but it encompasses the entire body.  When we feel good about ourselves mentally it will show physically too.  

The first step to this process is to give some a compliment today.

The second step is to give yourself a compliment today.

The third step is to repeat steps one and two every for at least a week.

Stay fit and stay strong.

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