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Friday, May 18, 2012

Are you eating right?

Everyone knows that you should be eating fruits and vegetables at every meal.  We all know that we should limit our sugar intake.  But there are foods that we should be eating that we are probably not eating.  For example, did you know that pumkin A and C?  Add Pumkin to Pancakes in the morning, it will make a nice nutricious breakfast.

Nopales is also a food to have in our diet.  I am sure you are thinking what is that?  This is most commonly known as nopal cactus or prickly pear.  It is a plant mostly found in Mexico.  It is loaded with vitamins A, B and C and Fiber.

Hemp milk. If you are looking for a good alternative hemp milk is the way to go.  This is dairyfree and has vitamin D and B12.  Hemp seeds contains 10 essential amino acid, omega-6, iron, and much more.  This is what I would call a superfood.

It is really important to watch what you eat.  You should look good on the inside as well on the outside.

Stay fit for life.

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