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Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Like most people we all would love to eat all we want and never gain weight. Wouldn't that be a dream come true.  But when reality sets in we all get older and we all need to watch what we eat and get plenty of exercise.

In this post I will tell you about some of the foods that will  help you speed up your metabolism so that you will not have to worry as much, as you normally do.

1. drink lots of water.
2.Eat calcium enriched foods. 
3. Stop the alcohol.
4.Eat constantly, but eat healthy.
5. Destress yourself.  Try yoga.
6. Decrease the diet soda.
7. Soak up the warm sun and get some fresh air.
8. Increase the weight bearing exercise.
9. Increase the vitamin C.
10. Vitamin B is the key.
11.Drink green tea.
12.Eat oily fish.

Remember these are all just suggestions.  Everyone is unique and different and what works well for one person might not work for the other.  Find out what works for you and stick with it. 

Remember, eat well, stay fit, stay healthy.

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