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Monday, January 2, 2012

Encouragement to be the best.

Walt Disney once said, "Our dreams will come true, if we choose to pursue them.". This is so true. If we all just have the courage to go for it and not be afraid than there will be success in all of us. I personally will be quoting myself this new year, "I cannot be afraid to fail, or I will not succeed". This is so true. If I am afraid and stay in my comfort zone and never leave I will never experience what life as to offer.

As we begin our journeys this year with our weight loss, or bulking up, training for the marathon or whatever it may be remember not to be afraid and to push yourself a little bit each week. Ask for help and advise. Leave comments on blogs. Commenting on other blogs does two things. First it gives you free and wonderful advice. Second, you will be doing a wonderful mitzvah for the person who is writing the blog. For every blog has a person/writer and you will be encouraging them to write and research and succeed and push themselves with achieving their own goals.

Let's all start off 2012 with a bang and treat all people and bloggers as we would like to be treated ourselves.

Stay fit and healthy.

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