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Monday, May 14, 2012

What should I eat?

Just because you work out does not mean that you should not watch what goes into your mouth.   Many woman become anemic as they get older.  This is a very common condition for most of us, especially when we hit that time of the month.  If we watch what we eat then we can be much more happier with oursevles. 

Here is a list of foods that, as woman, we should have in our diets:

1. Red meat
2. egg yolk
3. dark leafy greens
4. dried fruits.
5. beans and lentils.
6. chick peas
7. liver.
8. soy beans
9. artichokes.

Learn to be creative with recipes.   There are many woman groups and recipe exchange groups out there.    It is so important to have theright portions too.  Please see a nutritionist if you have any questions as well.

Also, I will be posting recipes on my site as the days to come to please keep checking back. 

Post comments and tell me what you would like to read about too.

Stay fit and stay active.

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