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Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy new year to all! I hope that that we all will have a successful year. There is no need to look back, leave 2011 behind us and let's all move into 2012 and look forwrd and make this the best possible year.

For me, this is the beginning of of a new era. My children are growing up. Meaning, I do not have any babies, yea!! I will be planning bigger and better parties for them, more mature. They have reached the preteen age.

All this means more independence for them and for me. I can concentrate more on my career. How can I reach out and help more people focus on their own lives and feel better about themselves.

Well, this is the year that I do all of this. I am reaching some in the United States, Russia, and Germany. I would like to increase these numbers in these countries and add a few more. These are a few of my goals, what are yours?

This year I encourage you to not only get and fit physically but also mentally as well. We will be doing this by working out, eating right and enjoying friends and family. Today we will start by enjoying this beautiful day where ever you may be and be blessed that you have made it to 2012. Each day is truely a blessing.

Stay fit and be active.

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