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Monday, September 26, 2011

children and obesity

It is no secret that today's youth is fat.  The most important lesson to teach our youth is to get up and move!! This weeks lesson is for the 6-8th graders.

When your children get home from school and you are ready to get movin' explain to them the importance of a warm up.  Make sure that you go over all the vocabulary with your children.  After all, with all the budget cuts at the schools our children are not getting enough PE.   Remember, as parents, we are teachers too.  The more we are involved in our childrens education, the higher the success rate will be.  Their self esteem level will rise, their grades will rise and they will also become more physically fit.

Let's get started: You may also choose to make flash cards for your child as well.
 A slow, rhythmic exercise that uses the larger muscle groups of the body.
Warm-Up –

A method used to stretch the muscles and their
Dynamic Stretch –
surrounding tissue, which includes moving through a full, fluid, non-resistive range-of-motion.
A low-force stretch that serves to lengthen the muscle while holding it to a point of tension for 15-30 seconds

Static Stretch –

You all can do examples of the stretches:

Including you Mom or Dad,

Dynamic Warm-up
• March in place
• Knee lifts in place
• Walking
• Jumping Jacks
• Torso twists (twist from right to left)
• Arm circles/Alternating arm circles

Static Stretches
• Lying down (supine) hamstring stretch
• Triceps stretch
• Shoulder stretch
• Upper-back stretch
• Chest stretch
• Standing quadriceps stretch
• Lateral side stretch

Exercise for today:

10 minute walk/run
1 minute push up
1 minute chair squat
1 minute knee curl ups

Be sure to reinforce the vocabulary today.  The most important is that while doing the lesson is that you do it with your child/ren and that you all have fun while doing it together. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Youth and Fitness. Get in the groove, you’ve got to move

As I was driving my children to school this morning, I was amazed to find out the lack of physical education in the school today.  They only get once a week of PE.  I do realize that they have recess everyday, but recess is not necessarily PE for many children.  It is more or a break from the class work. 

I have decided that every Wednesday I would have PE at my house for my children.   The first step is to see where your child is physically.  Since most of you are not personal trainers like I am, let's start out and do simple a simple assessment:

How many "Good Quality" push ups in 1 minute can the child do?
How may "Good quality" bent knee curl ups in 1 minute can your child do?
Finally, how many chair squats can your child do in one minute?
After you have completed this you are ready to exercise.

Lesson 1: Get in the groove, you've got to move.

Exercise – Any activity that requires physical movement.
Here is a fun game to do with your kids after school.  The only thing you need is one die.

This is a great way to have a little break from school and homework.  Have the child or children do this until he or she does each exercise at lease 2 times.
Have your child roll the die and the child would do that activity that
corresponds to the number on the die.  The student will  do the
activity for 30–60 seconds
Let me me know how it goes.

Stay fit and stay healthy.

Write the following words and corresponding numbers on the
blackboard or a piece of paper so that your children or child can refer back to them.  Have them demonstrate each movement for 30
seconds each:
• Running in place #1
• Hopping on one foot #2
• Jumping up and down #3
• Leaping side to side #4
• Spinning in a circle #5
• Imaginary jumping rope #6
Let’s Play

Have your child roll the die and the child would do that activity that
corresponds to the number on the die.  The student will  do the
activity for 30–60 seconds

Sunday, September 18, 2011

It's Sunday. A new week, a new work out.

It is Sunday which means it is the first day of a new week.  So no matter what happen last week, no matter how many times you fell off that wagon, this can be a new start for you. 

So, here is your work out.  Are you ready,

Go out and get your pedometer and put it on your hip every morning.  Your goal is to get to 10,000 steps a day, every day.  Then the next consecutive day your goal is to beat your personal best.  Log into my webpage or my facebook page each day and in the comment box tell me how many steps you took each day.

Good luck.  Get fit.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

New workout

Let's get walking--

Walking is one of the best ways to exercise.  It is also the least expensive ways as well.  You do not need a gym or any expensive equipment.  Just a pair of sneakers. 

This upcoming week, take a walk.  at least three days a week for 30 minutes.  Studies have shown that walking will decrease stress, trim your waist line, prevension of cancer, and diabetes, and walkers will live a longer a healtheir life. 

Walking does not take much effort or time or money. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

loose weight all day long

There are a few simple steps to take just to loose weight all day long.

First the most inportant meal of the day is breakfast and the second is lunch.  Try never to eat after 8:30pm.  If  you need to skip a meal have it be dinner. 

Start your day out with  a morning walk or jog.  This is a great boost way to boost your metabolism. 

Skip the juice and morning latte and drink plenty of water.  Lots of water.  Your muscles are made up of 70-80% of water it is important to hytrate them. 

If you are not a morning person, try to walk or jog after work around 5-6 pm.  Find a friend to with.  It is much easier to get into shape with a friend than to do it alone. 

Stay positive and stay fit.