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Friday, May 18, 2012

Are you eating right?

Everyone knows that you should be eating fruits and vegetables at every meal.  We all know that we should limit our sugar intake.  But there are foods that we should be eating that we are probably not eating.  For example, did you know that pumkin A and C?  Add Pumkin to Pancakes in the morning, it will make a nice nutricious breakfast.

Nopales is also a food to have in our diet.  I am sure you are thinking what is that?  This is most commonly known as nopal cactus or prickly pear.  It is a plant mostly found in Mexico.  It is loaded with vitamins A, B and C and Fiber.

Hemp milk. If you are looking for a good alternative hemp milk is the way to go.  This is dairyfree and has vitamin D and B12.  Hemp seeds contains 10 essential amino acid, omega-6, iron, and much more.  This is what I would call a superfood.

It is really important to watch what you eat.  You should look good on the inside as well on the outside.

Stay fit for life.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Shhh!!! I have the secret!

There are 4 things that you can do to boost your energy and to shed at least 10 pounds.

1.  Eat a healthy diet.  Stop drinking the sugary drinks and sodas.  This alone will take off 10 pounds from your waistline.

2.  Finding time to exercise is hard especially finding 2 hours a day for the gym.  But finding just 15 minutes a day is much more reasonable.   This can be a simple walking break with co-workers.

3.  Get plenty of sleep.  Studies have shown that sleep improves mental awearness.  This is when the body repairs itself.

4. Take time to laugh.  This is very important for overall. 

Stay fit and have fun while doing it.

Monday, May 14, 2012

What should I eat?

Just because you work out does not mean that you should not watch what goes into your mouth.   Many woman become anemic as they get older.  This is a very common condition for most of us, especially when we hit that time of the month.  If we watch what we eat then we can be much more happier with oursevles. 

Here is a list of foods that, as woman, we should have in our diets:

1. Red meat
2. egg yolk
3. dark leafy greens
4. dried fruits.
5. beans and lentils.
6. chick peas
7. liver.
8. soy beans
9. artichokes.

Learn to be creative with recipes.   There are many woman groups and recipe exchange groups out there.    It is so important to have theright portions too.  Please see a nutritionist if you have any questions as well.

Also, I will be posting recipes on my site as the days to come to please keep checking back. 

Post comments and tell me what you would like to read about too.

Stay fit and stay active.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Why should we hoop?

1. Increases our mood.
    When we are happy and content with our lives everything seems to fall into place.
2. Activates our joints.
    As we get older it is really important that we use our joints and maintain flexibility.   This is a great
    way to increase the flexiblity in our lower back.
3. Increases body awearness.
   Hooping focuses your mind on where your body is in space.
4. Increase aerobic capacity.
    It takes alot of Oxegen and blood flow to keep that hoop around your waist.
5. Works the core muscles.
     With a hoop around your waist, how can it not.

Go ahead, grab a hoop, and a smile.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The new class.

I have got some really good news!!  I just started a new class during the week.  Every Monday at 12 noon.  Like all new things I am a little nervous but it will start out small but it will grow and the community will grow to love it.  I will soon have every woman age 35 years and older in Agoura Hills hooping and loving it!!

My goal is to share the joy of hooping.  I hope to have others find themselves in the hoop, like I have.

If you are around, come on by, we would love to meet you. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Thought for the day.

Always hoop with a friend. Be hoopalicous. Hoopalicous is my word of the day. Live it, be it, play it, love it.