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Friday, July 29, 2011

But I am not a runner.

The easiest form and cheapest form of exercise is to take of running.  When I suggest this to clients I hear this statement over and over again, " I am not a runner".   The truth is, neither am I.  Many people that race in the 5k and 10k races are walkers.  If you train the right way you be able to finish the race in less than a 15 minute mile.  Believe me, when you finish a race that is the most fabulous feeling of accomplishment in the world.

For some people who have high expectations who would  like to run a half marathon or a marathon, go for it.  but for others, start out slow.

For most people like myself we need to start out slowly and train for a 5k. The first week walk for 5 minutes then run for 1 minute.  Walk for 5 minutes and run for 1 minute.  Repeat for this for 3 miles. 

Second week walk for 4 minutes and run for 2 minutes. Repeat this for 3 mile.

Third week walk  for 3 minutes and run for 3 minutes. Repeat this for 3 miles. 

Keep this up until you are fully running the full 3.1  miles.

Once you achieve this goal than you are ready to move on to a 10k or a half marathon or a marathon!!  Or you can just work on your speed and improve your personal best. 

Good luck. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

What should I eat?

"What is a balanced diet"?  Many people struggle with this question every day.  In fact, the rate of obesity in American continues to increase.  I, as a personal trainer, have or a been asked many times to give diet advice to my clients.  Just to clarify, I am not a nutritionist, but I can guide you in the right direction. 

Most people do not have the time to weigh and measure every morsel of food three times a day.  Here is a simple guide line for those of us that lead a simple life. 

Make half your plate fruits and vegetable.
Fill one quarter of your plate with lean protein.
The last quarter with whole grains.

Lastly, be sure to switch from whole milk to non fat milk.  not only do you need to take care of your outside of you need to take care of your inside too.

Stay healthy.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Exercising in the summer months can be exhausting as well unhealthy.  There are some strategies and tips that one can do to help exercising become more comfortable in the heat.

1. Hydration.  It is very important to stay hydrated.  Always strive to drink 7 to 10 ounces of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise.

2. The intensity.  You should reduce the intensity of your exercise probably
 the first few times that you exercise in the heat.

3.  Clothing.  Wear minimally and light weight clothing.

4. Rest.  No when to say no.  Use common sense.  Know when to say no to exercise. This is your best bet for preventing heat stress.