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Monday, May 23, 2011

I am so busy how do I find time to work out?

Ok, we are motivated to workout and eat right but now what.  What do we do now?  Here is a simple work out that will have you begging for more.   It is short and simple.  Remember just because it is short does not mean it does not do anything.  A little is better than nothing.

1. Start from a standing position and squat sown and walk out to a plank.  Remember to keep your hands directly underneth your shoulders.  Hold this pose for 10 seconds.  Walk back in and to a standing position.  lift your right leg and your arms straight out so they are parrell to the floor.  Hold for 10 seconds.  Repeat and for the other leg.  Do this 3 times.

2. Get a good sturdy chair and do 10 tricep dips. 10 squats.  repeat this 3 times. 

3. Jumping jacks for 25.

4. 10 reverse crunches

5. 30 alternating lunges.

6. End with 2-30 second planks.

See you next week for a more challenging workout.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

work out today? yes or no?

Most Trainers would say never skip a work out.  But there are a few reasons why you should skip a workout.

1. You are running a fever of 100 or higher.
2. Your stomach been feeling a bit queezy.  Especially if you are throwing up or have diarrhea. 
3. You feel dizzy, thirsty.  As the weather gets warmer this could be a sign of heat stroke and exhaustion.
4. You are sleep deprived.
5. If something hurts.  There is a normal post workout pain but if the pain persists after 72 hours than you should consult a doctor.

When you start a workout program or already have one in place the most important thing to remember is the safety comes first.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Have your fat jeans become your skinny jeans?

Do not worry, you are not the only one.  In fact, I am asked over and over again the same question.  "When is the best time to work out? Is it mornings, afternoon or evenings?" This could be different for everyone.  The answer is quite simple.  The best time to workout is the time that you will actually commit to working out.  This is different for everyone.  Some people may like to wake up at 5 am while others like to wind down at the end of the day with a nice jog.  Everyone has a different time clock inside.  Another question that is asked of me over and over again is, "How much exersice do I really need to do?"  Minimally, 3 times a week for 20 minutes should be a goal.  But,  there should be no miniumum.  If you can only do 30 seconds one week that is ok.  30 seconds is better that no seconds. 

With all this being said, your workout for this week is 20 jumping jacks 10 squats, 10 push ups and 10 crunches.  Do this at least 3 times.  This routine should be done 3 times a week.  Do not be surprise if you actually break a sweat.