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Tuesday, October 18, 2011


What we teach our children today is what they do as adults tomorrow.   It is very important to teach them good habits early on.  When teaching children remember to think and sink.  Have them think about what you are teaching them and than it will and should sink into their brains.  Children's brains are like sponges, they just soak up knowledge. 

This week teach your children what to drink for proper hydration and what hydration really is and the importance of it.  Go over with them some healthy liquids to drink and go over some new vocabulary words with them.  Write them down on a big poster board let it SINK into their brains.

Some healthy drink choices are:

Low-fat/Non-fat milk, 100% fruit juice,
and water are healthy liquids to drink.

The vocabulary for this week are:
Dehydration – Excessive loss of water from the body
Nutrients –
of life and health
Any substance that provides nourishment for the maintenance
Calorie –

Water is the most important nutrient in your body. In fact it makes up 65-70% of your body mass.  Did you know that you can only go a few days without water, but you can live a few weeks without food?  So, it is really important that we replenish our bodies with the proper hydration.

Here is a great visual experiment.  Ask your children some of the other liquids that we drink.  Without knowing them, they will probably say, soda.  Mention to them that in an eight oz. can of soda there is 10 teaspoons of sugar.  Have your child measure out 10 teaspoons of sugar and then try to dissolve it in a glass of water.  It is really hard to do. 

Also, Milk is a really good liquid to drink.  It is filled with calcium for strong bones and does not have the added sugar.  As long as you drink either non fat or low fat milk.

In addition, to learning nutrition it is important for children to become awear of the body.  Teach them to measure how hard they think that they are moving.(Heart is ray, face feels sweaty, out of breath, legs feel tired, etc).  

Here is a rating of a percieveiced exertion chart for children:

0- Sleping.

1-Stting at your desk.

2-Walking through the halls.

3-Walking/playing during recess.

4-Doing relays in the gym.

5-Running as fast as you can.
It is really important to reach out children to recognize how their own bodies feel.  As a parent we can not tell another person what they are feeling.  We all need to teach our children well and remember that our children are the future leaders of tomorrow.   They will be the future Presidents and the CEO's of tomorrow. 

Stay fit.  Stay healthy. 
A unit of energy.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


In the United States the increase number of Baby Boomers is expected to rise more than five million years by the 2030, and 1 out 5 people will be 65 years or older. Plus, with fitness on the rise the average life span would have increased more than 18 years for both men and woman. With that being said, look out grandma and grandpa.

When working with a person, any person, my main goal is to improve their quality of life. When when we talk about senior living and wellness programs that is exactly why a person 50+ starts to work out. When designing a fitness program the trainer must be able to design a program for the fit to the extremely frail individual.

The most challenging is to get the individual into the habit. Start out slowly. 3 days a week walk for 20-30 minutes. Do not forget your warm up and stretch at the end.

In how side of the blog there is a section where you can post comments and questions. If you would lIke to know more about what what exercises please post in the questions box.

Stay fit.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

exercising babies.

Yes, even babies need exercise.  I wanted to dedicate a small little blog for the little people in the world because they are special too.  For all those new parents out there, did you know that the earlier you start a child out on physical activity and awareness of their physical health the longer life expectancy they will have? 
I have a few simple guidelines to follow.  Being a mom of 4 I know how busy any parent can be so this is why I am keeping this blog short and sweet.

1. Physical activity should be encouraged from birth through floor play and water safe activities. 

2.  Walking toddlers and preschool age children should have at least 180 minutes a day of physical exercise. 

3. No child under 5 should spend extended periods of time being inactive. Especially in front of the TV. 

This may seem like only a little but it is a lot.  Feel free to follow by email and post questions and I will be sure to answer all of them this week.

Say fit.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Am I too old to exercise?

Before you answer this question, ask yourself this, have you ever walked up the stairs and were out of breath?  Have you ever thought that you were not standing up as straight as you once did in your younger days?  Well, if the answer to these questions are yes, then you are not to old to exercise.  In fact, I would like to rephrase my question and put it into a statement, "we do not stop exercising just because we get old, we get old because we stop exercising". 

Maintaining at least a moderate activity level is the key to living a long a healthy life.  Exercise will prevent the following ailments: weight-related diseases, heart disease, anatomical and structural impairments, hypertension, osteoporosis, cholesterol, Alzheimer's disease, sexual dysfunction and loss of muscle mass and decrease social disability. 

Specifically speaking there are five types of exercises we all should do to prevent growing older.

1. Cardio.  30 minutes at least 5 times a week.  Minimum should be done 20 minutes 3 times a week.  In my experience with older adults, walking is usually the most preferred exercise.

2. Strength training.  We loose about 30% muscle between the ages of 50-70.  At least twice a week one should engage in a strength training routine with either free weights or machines.

3.  Flexibility.  Stretching and range of motion.  Twice a week for 10 minutes.

4. Balance.  This is the number one reason why people seek medical help.  With falls are leading cause of deaths for the 65+ population. 

5. Care Training.  These exercise strength your abs, pelvis and runs the entire length of your torso.  These muscles makes it possible for you to stand, shift your body weight and protect your back and hips.

Before you start any type of work out routine consult your doctor first and find a certified ACE personal trainer in your area.