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Monday, November 28, 2011


The holidays are over and many of us ate way to much turkey and stuffing.  But do not worry it is never to late to get in shape.  I have dedicated myself to teach quick simple work outs for on the go and busy people.  I mean, really, who has time to go to the gym for two to three hours every day or every other day.  I sure don't.  With four young children and two jobs and no help in the house.  I am sure that you are just as busy too.  Kids, job, many more.  So let's get to it who has time to read:

Jump Robe 10 minutes warm up.

push ups 10 reps
Dumbbell flys. 8 reps.
band, one arm over head press. 10 reps. each arm.
sit ups. 10 reps

repeat  bold 5 times without resting in between.

Do this workout every other day for a week.  Let me know how you like it.

Get Fit.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Your post

This post I would like for my reader to let me know what they would like me to wring about. What is the one fitness question that they have but have always been to afraid to ask? don.t be shy, please post any questions and comments and I will answer as soon as you post.