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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

OMG!!! Diet drinkers, you have to read this.

For all of you diet soda drinkers out there that are wondering why you are not loosing weight. Well, I have news for you.  Research suggests that diet sodas are  associated with increased waist size and poorer overall health.  In another study, aspartame, which is the sweetener that is used in the diet sodas, showed an increase in blood sugar levels after three months. 

So, what is the answer.  Well that is easy.  Switch to good old H2O.  Water is the best drink that you can put into your body.   Your muscles are made up of 70 to 80% water.  During the day you should be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water.  One huge benefit of water is that there are many people that will drop 5 pounds in 2 weeks.  

Bottoms up!!

Stay fit.