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Thursday, June 30, 2011

July 4

Well it is summertime and we are all heading for the beach beach. Let's get our bodies into shape as fast as we can. Monday, Wednesday and Friday let's do 3 sets of 10 of tricept dips and alternating with 3 sets of 10 squats.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays get outside in the fresh air and walk/run for 30 minutes at least.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Youth and Food

There is more to health and fitness than working out.  It is important to eat right.  Eating right starts in with our children.  Here are 10 basic rules to get our kids to eat healthier.

1. Model healthier eating. When the parents eat healthy the children will to.
2. eat together. Not only are family meals generally more nutritious but they also provide a socializing     opportunity for children.
3. Increase exposure to healthier foods.It may take up to 15 times before the child will accept it.
4. Let them choose the portion size.
5. Share the control.
6. Refuse to be a "short order" order cook.
7. Limit TV time.
8. Exploit similarities. Once you find what a child likes find similar foods.  An example, if you like pumpkin pie, try to make sweet potatoes the next night.
9. Make eating healthy fun.
10. Skip the food fights.

The best way to get your kids to eat healthy. 

Stay fit and healthy.